GoodTimes Barbershop & Shave Parlor Branding & Merch Collaborations
GoodTimes Barbershop was the dream of a family member in 2019! He asked me to help with the branding of his shop and I knew we would come up with some retro looking goodness. We wanted the overall brand to look classy and clean. We also wanted to make a brand that showcased local icons.

Goodtimes Shop Tees
City of Goodtimes Tee
This tee's design is based on Porterville’s official city logo created in the early 2000s. I refined the design by incorporating sheers, balancing the oranges, and modernizing the type surrounding the illustration.
The final badge was used for beanies, hats, and shirts. This was the first design we collaborated on that referenced a Porterville, California icon/landmark.

Shop Pomade Package Design

Porter Theater Tee Design
The most recent merch release featured the City of GoodTimes design on the front and another Porterville reference, The Porter Theater, on the back. Locals know this building as the place they went to as kids form the 1950’s to the late 1990’s.
Nacho also has a sweeeeeeeet 1959 Edsel Ranger. I had him take a picture of it in front of the theater and I Photoshopped it back in time to a picture from the Grand Opening.
All three colors are still available for order. If you’d like to purchase a tee please message Nacho on Instagram. He sends out orders as soon as they’re placed. Thank you for supporting his shop!